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"Where the woo-woo Meets the to-do"
If you like your executive and leadership coaching served up with a southern-fried, Brooklynified blend of power, authenticity, sass, spirituality, and practicality, then you're in the right place.
I'm Kacey Cardin: Professional Certified Coach, TEDx speaker, and the creator of the EnQ: Energetic Intelligence Framework. What does that mean for you?
If you're a high-performing, overachiever with big dreams and a packed schedule:
I'm going to get you deeply connected to yourself, your purpose, and your people.
You want to make a bigger impact without the burnout? I'm here for you.
If you're a leader and a changemaker who struggles with Imposter Syndrome: it's time to accept the truth.
You're a badass who has been charged with the responsibility of making the world a better place. Stop apologizing, and start showing us who you really are underneath all that self-doubt and people-pleasing. Now!
If you're a brilliant, gorgeous, talented success for whom nothing is ever enough:
I'm here to help you find your "Enoughness".
If you're a dreamer who wishes you were more of a doer: it means that I'm your new Chief Accountability and Compassion Officer. You're so hard on yourself that sometimes people think you're lazy.
I know - it feels terrible to hear the word lazy, doesn't it? You aren't lazy - but you aren't creating the legacy you want to create. I'm here to help you change that.
If you're a power couple:
it means I'm the third wheel who's going to help you maximize communication, connection, shared goals, and a future that knock your socks off - and if your sex life isn't already doing that, we're gonna talk about that, too.
If you're a coach yourself:
You 100% need your own coach. I'm the coach, consultant, thought partner, and mirror who is going to reflect your power and possibility back to you in a way that helps you serve your own clients more powerfully, build a business that outlives you, take impeccable care of yourself, and ensure that you are walking your talk.

Meet Kacey
Soul Level Coaching requires a Soul Level Leader
My clients and colleagues have called me their "secret weapon", a "mix of Dolly Parton and Marianne Williamson", a "leadership development wizard", and "a loving bitch slap of wisdom". You can call me when you're ready to level up your life and leadership.
I'm known for cutting through peoples’ successful exteriors and straight to the core of who they most truly long to be. I specialize in working with those prone to “Imposter Syndrome” and the “Not Enoughs”, especially leaders who might be described as "intimidating" or "difficult" by others. That means that if your coworkers think you're kind of an asshole (and especially if you think that's a good thing), I'm about to blow your mind.
Gentle reminder: until you've opened your heart as much as you open your mouth, you aren't making the difference you might think.
After twenty years of research and study, I created the EnQ: Energetic Intelligence assessment and training program for organizations and executives who want to harness their latent power and energy. My TEDx talk on "Leading with Energetic Intelligence" scratches the surface of this work and some of the tools, but the EnQ program is custom-tailored to each organization's gaps and goals.
I live in Nashville and Brooklyn, and I maintain a global private practice while also occasionally stepping back onto the operatic or musical theater stage, living my commitment to a world in which all leaders are fully and authentically expressed.
Are you ready for a soul level conversation about your life and leadership?