Energetic Intelligence ™️
with our 7-point framework and methodology for embodied, integrative leadership
Your Energy Speaks Before You Do.
We often think leadership is something we need to do, but the truth is that our power is in who we're Being.
IQ = cognitive intelligence. Knowing.
EQ = emotional intelligence. Feeling.
EnQ = energetic intelligence. Embodying.
For over twenty years, I have honed the EnQ: Energetic Intelligence™️ Framework. Using decades of client data and leadership development work, I have created the framework and methodology to support leaders, entrepreneurs, and coaches harness the power of EnQ: Energetic Intelligence®.
Clients and organizations worldwide are leaning into EnQ Energetic Intelligence™️ coaching as a new paradigm of leadership development. Many of our clients refer to EnQ as "Psychedelic Leadership" and "Multidimensional Leadership" because EnQ is access to an endless reserve of power, possibility, joy, wisdom, and impact.
My TEDx talk "Leading with Energetic Intelligence" provides an overview of the concept and benefits, as well as the EnQ 7 Wheels of Leadership tool, which is a modern framework that fuses neuroscience, ontological and facilitative coaching, human behavioral study, and world-class coach training. EnQ: Energetic Intelligence™️ is the premiere tool for innovative leaders and the people who coach them.
Reach out today to book a complimentary consult to learn more about utilizing EnQ: Energetic Intelligence™️ in your life and leadership.